Los 599
CRUSADERS. County of Tripoli. Bohémond IV of Antioch to Bohémond VII, 1187-1287. Bezant (Gold, 22 mm, 3.54 g, 11 h), imitating a dinar of the Fatimid caliph al-Mustansir. Crude third phase imitation, perhaps issued during the 1240s and 1250s. Large B flanked by pellets above Pseudo-Kufic legend; in outer margin, Pseudo-Kufic legend. Rev. Large T flanked by pellets above Pseudo-Kufic legend and small cross in the second line of inscription; in outer margin, Pseudo-Kufic legend. Bates & Metcalf 42. Malloy 8. Metcalf, Crusades, 489. Wäckerlin 272. An unusually sharp and complete example. Minor weakness near the edge, otherwise, extremely fine.

From the Tabib Collection, formed over the past 40 years.

The third phase imitations have the letters B on the obverse and T on the reverse, which perhaps stand for Bohemund and Tripoli respectively.
350 CHF
280 CHF
1000 CHF
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